Saturday, November 24, 2012

Third Trimester of pregnancy (7-9 Months)

It is much more quiet in the house, but I still tired? There is a lot of back and forth to the toilet, but still thirst.Contrast fact. But that is what usually faced in the third trimester of pregnancy. Here are the changes that will occur in the body:

Not only increase your weight 10-15 kg (or more), but the growing uterus presses the other organs in the body. The result? Add (again) the load of the rest of the body. Not surprisingly tired. should begin to reduce activity, but still want to look energetic. Here's the trick:
They practice a bit. For example, walking around the complex. Swim or special prenatal yoga are also good options. Also make sure the "listen" body needs. For effortless, calm. If you feel off the couch to get very heavy, so first sit down.
Frequent breaks at work. The trick? Lift your foot, and (if necessary) to close your eyes for a few minutes.
Eat small meals but often (with a healthy combination of protein and complex carbohydrates). Nuts and dried fruits are good snacks and can be kept in your purse or desk drawer.
still feeling less energetic? You may need to see a doctor. Could be anemia or a deficiency of red blood cells. This condition can be corrected include the use of dietary supplements containing iron.

A growing belly is your attitude. Moreover, the relaxin (joints relax in preparation for childbirth). The pressure on the body, there are several things you can do to deal with the pain that can:
Do pelvic floor exercises: Creep, then the hips sway back and forth. Back straight. Wear a buffer under the belly as Bellybra (western type) and special underwear for pregnant women.
Before going to bed, prop back and belly. Pillow under the back When you sleep, pushes a pillow between your thighs so your hips in balance. It is also a special pillow pregnant women, especially if the old mattress uncomfortable. Do not hesitate to ask for help. If someone offered to lift something, just say yes!

Frequent urination
Because the uterus more pressure on your bladder, which means you. Often back and forth to the bathroom even more troubling is the sudden can not resist the urge to urinate (more than 40% of women who are pregnant for the first time experience). So, I know how to fix this?
Urination tries a habit (every 1-2 hours) plans, so it does not need to die. After a week or so, gradually, the time between the toilet and pee in 3 hours.
Never drink less go toilet just lazy. Drink about 8 glasses of water a day is still important to the body's need for fluids needs. Many who eat lots of foods to avoid high in fiber, constipation. Avoid caffeine, as it is a diuretic, a careful pee!

Burning in the chest
Almost half of the mothers feel the warmth in the chest. Hormones circulate throughout the body during pregnancy, the muscles in the upper abdomen (which usually come in the esophagus to prevent heartburn) limp, and the acid back to the origin. Today, the growing uterus filled almost the entire abdominal cavity and abdominal muscles closer to the throat. No wonder that a feeling of direct heat stroke. Try:
Avoid heartburn triggers. For example, food too spicy, spicy, sour, fatty or fried, but also caffeine. Other triggers with soda or fruit juice, milk and certain foods, such as milk or ice.
Replace the habit of eating three meals a day (which is full) to 6 times a day (just a bit, making it easier to digest) food. Eating sitting upright. Directly or not to go to bed, or eating before bedtime.
Please contact your doctor. Could be, should medication to relieve mild disease.

Swelling in the feet, hands and varicose veins
In general, swelling in the feet, ankles and legs due to fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. Varicose veins or blue strip along the upper and lower limbs as a result of the weakening of the blood vessels valve. The result? The blood collects in the legs and form painful bumps. Although the swelling that occurs will disappear, (surgery is a way to eliminate them, but the cost is quite expensive) what varicose veins remain.
To avoid problems such as:
Often, legs, lifting, standing, sitting criss-cross, and not even in my legs. As much as possible (preferably in italics).
Wear compression stockings to reduce the pain and the appearance of varicose veins. Avoid wearing anything that would improve the circulation of the blood (such as thigh-high stockings) are interfering.
Limit your fluid intake to reduce swelling. Why? Your body will actually react by more fluid.
Soak feet. Research shows water pressure (even as high as 30 cm) can reduce discomfort.

False labor pains
At the age of 8 or 9 months of pregnancy, feeling 'exercise' Braxton Hicks contractions. This reduction will help prepare your body for childbirth, but we think that the birth was imminent. Then how to detect and distinguish between them?
False contractions we feel in front of the abdomen while. The real contractions at the rear of the body, and "spread" on the front of the body (sometimes from top to bottom) Indeed, the shrinkage of increasing contractions in the posture change can be detected. So, here and go there, to see if it is time to go to the hospital or not. Or call your doctor to be sure.


Many pregnant women suffer from a variety of strange dreams, from birth frog or a puppy to lose a baby during childbirth. How so? In this quarter, we should remember dreams (either urinate or because the fetus kick) as a result of frequent waking at night occur. Dreams are usually experienced by pregnant women usually only causes:
The fear of losing the baby.
Pain of childbirth.
Fear is not a good mother.
A feeling of helplessness.
Although some dreams are very disturbing, in fact, it is usually done. It's nothing. Nightmares are usually the channeling of your fear. Try not to get too tense. Instead of endless fear it better to talk to your partner or friend. Perhaps these dreams is the way your mind works in the face of the major events that are experienced.

So ...

Before the baby is born, your body will go through changes during pregnancy is very intense. It also includes the emotional moments, because it prepares increasing number of family members. Try not to get too tired and attention in taking care of yourself with lots of rest. Plus, do not hesitate to discuss your concerns with your partner, friends or doctors. Congratulations to new mommy!

Second Trimester Pregnancy (4-6 Month/ 13-27 Weeks)

The gestation period between week 13 to-27 is also called the "period of several honeymoon period very pleasant grounds. Typically, nausea greatly reduced, more emotionally stable, plus libido back to normal at this time also began the action" aka Baby Ball'' s first movements feel. Then there is what is changing in the second trimester of pregnancy?

Nausea disappeared
During this time most expectant had no more cravings. However, if you are required to have a doctor to prevent nausea and vitamin B6 (so 'turbulent' are soothing stomach) to treat to avoid feeling visit. During this time, the stomach is to unpleasant, namely abdominal pain. This is because of the increasing expansion of the uterus and ligaments (connective tissue between the bone).

He started to move!
Almost all first trimester pregnancy, the fetus continues to grow slowly even in the womb. During 12 weeks, then the doctor can see the baby's heartbeat. But we can have a small sign of life still feeling the uterus, such as:
Between week 16 and 20, we can see the baby there have her lap. This is referred to as "acceleration".
By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, you may feel a sort of 'dots', dass repeatedly in the stomach not to be worried. It's just the little man was a disappointment, and it's completely harmless!

Well, the activities fair or somewhat dull, like going to the bathroom, you can use your breath panting. It is a common occurrence, really. Climb growing uterus on the lungs so desperately, making it difficult for air to come and go, however free, if you inhale more illness, consult your doctor.

Body changes
In the 16th week, we had to start wearing maternity clothes, as the circle grew waist and wide hips. In Week 27, the weight will increase about 7-10 kg. What about the baby? weigh up "with about 1 kg, the feeling that we start with the presence of another phenomenon of pregnancy.!. Stretchmarks. most striae or character lines lax own skin will disappear after birth most" left "is a thin line of white or silver.

Emotions change
Although the work is not yet stable enough hormone, the body adapts for three months, so we could not as sensitive as before. On the other hand, due to changes in body shape, we only worry about the long term effects of pregnancy on the body. In order to overcome these feelings, you should:
Buying clothes, the "funny" (model is much maternity clothes are fashionable and trendy, you know).
Pamper yourself with a variety of things, you look like a manicure to improve, cut the still healthy and well-groomed nails, hair, spa and much more.
Just enjoy the happy feeling felt by the day.

Increased sex drive
In the fourth month of pregnancy, or the fifth, we suddenly felt very sexy. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the body produces more estrogen. Finish each day, the ovaries produce estrogen pregnant women with estrogen-equivalent of the woman is not pregnant for 3 years! Really great, yes. And because the nausea and fatigue (which is common in the first trimester) was established, we feel passionate about sex with their husbands. In fact, some women experience orgasms for the first time.

Exercise more, please!
If the nausea and fatigue forced us to your exercise routine, who left during the first trimester of pregnancy, it's time to go back to training. What kind of exercise is suitable? Try this one:
Kegel exercises. Can the process of birth (and sliders) to facilitate and reduce the risk of not keeping in a position to supply small or large intestine. The trick contract (temporary and relaxed) vaginal muscles as if their urine! Hold and repeat.
Yoga. Yoga is specifically tailored to your changing body. On the positive side, was able to talk to other pregnant women.
Swimming. This including low-impact workout. The lightness of the body weight in floating feet a little rest and no additional work hard to support the body.
Go. Although "just" run smoothly around the complex, more blood, you know. Bonus feel more energetic!
So ...
The second trimester is the best during pregnancy. For this reason, a lot of fun! Also there are many things we can do: exercise, shopping for baby, and reward yourself! While doing fun things we can enjoy the beautiful movements and changes in the uterus every day. How cool is that?

Be careful!
Avoid lifting heavy weights or surgery, which can raise blood pressure to dangerous levels.
Avoided after the fourth or fifth month exercise requirements should sleep on their backs. This position could lead to major blood vessels arising from your sick child bloodstream interfere.
Eat a light snack about 1 hour before training. Caloric intake helps your energy.
Drink water during your workout. Keep your body is not dehydrated.
Especially careful with sports, a balance. The body can lead to unexpected reactions. For example, when running or step aerobics exercise, you would suddenly be distributed.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

First Trimester Pregnancy/1-3 months of pregnancy

Cravings And not like the food
Apparently gave almost 80% of pregnant women craving, while about 85% of pregnant women was not allowed to swallow certain foods. So we have to obey the request or avoid foods that do not like? If you do not crave healthy foods and eating bags of potato chips or ice liters, so go ahead. It's easy to limit snacks 75-100 calorie servings per day. Substitute for foods that are not popular, with other foods that are safe for the stomach:
If you do not drink milk, replace it. With low fat cheese, cottage cheese or yogurt It could also be slipped milk in sauces, soups, oatmeal, or pancakes.
If you can not swallow vegetables, fruit chew rich in beta-carotene, such as mango, apricot or watermelon.
If you do not eat meat, try nuts. Or beef or chicken hiding in sauce or soup.

Morning Sickness
Nearly 85% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. And, this could all day! Although the cause is not entirely clear chorionicgonadotropin hormone believed to be the perpetrators. The more hormones in the body, the nausea more. The good news: According to some experts, the nausea, the lower the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. So, how to deal with morning sickness?
Eat a little. Eat small meals (but frequently) can relieve nausea and a full stomach (nausea escalate once an empty stomach). Instead of forcing myself to consume soft foods, more experts recommend that eat what you want (the origins of the food is healthy!). If your stomach can only 'receive' cheese on toast for a few days, so be it.
Eating ginger. Ginger was found to be very effective in relieving nausea. So seemed fresh ginger and put in tea or juice. In this way, it could be the greatest value.
Try vitamin B6. Vitamin supplements can be your stomach empty faster. Ask your doctor the best dose for you

The sense of smell rises
Many women say, the stronger the sense of smell during pregnancy. One theory is that: This will help away from foods that contain a lot of bacteria or natural toxins that a fetus can harm during an important period in its growth. This powerful sense of smell decreases with increasing gestational age.

Frequent urination
Although the body has shown no signs of pregnancy, the uterus is growing. This condition causes pressure on the bladder (which actually never completely empty). Plus, the kidneys work continuously dirt from the body. As a result, we have to urinate frequently. However, do not reduce the portion of the drink and do not hold your pee (This habit can cause urinary tract infections). To reduce the frequency of urination at night, stopped drinking a few hours before bedtime, do not drink caffeine (caffeine stimulates the bladder), and urinate again before the lights.

Hormones are constantly working your skin may produce more oil. Together with increasing gestational age, acne will disappear. we can control acne, the "stubborn" in the following way:
Do not rub or clean the skin too often. Use a gentle cleanser that does not dry skin later on.
Switch to an oil-free moisturizer. There is no reason for the oil on the skin oily, is to add!
Read the label on the product of choice. Avoid glycolic acid used.But okay, products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinol, or steroids because potentially birth defects.

Pregnant women actually inhale more deeply, and that is good because the more oxygen-rich blood supply. Even if enough air surprised, not when we are suddenly short of breath. Some of them are, because babies spend more carbon dioxide to us.

Low blood sugar (due to changes in metabolism), increased the hormone and reduces blood flow to the brain may trigger headaches in some future mother. If the headache, use hot or cold compresses, massage temples, and find fresh air. If this fails, paracetamol is safe for pregnant women. If you suffer from migraines, see your doctor.

Dry eye or vision problems
By increasing the blood flow, the body slightly swollen (including the eye). Corneal thickening "stand out" and so disturbing vision. For contact lens wearers should first deposit and replace with regular glasses to delivery. Even if you can not experience blurred vision, rather dry eye due to changing hormones. Use eye drops, to moisten the eyes and, if necessary, your doctor glasses that are used for a short time, only required.

Fatigue for 24 hours a day? It is most common in pregnancy. Hard to carries the burden of a growing body of fetal growth: The ovaries produce the hormone progesterone (a sedative effect) and blood volume increases by 50% for the blood supply to the fetus.

Other causes of fatigue (which is not often realized!) Are anemia or a deficiency of red blood cells. Additional iron is needed to produce red blood cells in infants. If the content of iron is not enough, the fetus will take what it needs from your body. As a result of iron stores in the body is reduced. Usually, your doctor may order a blood test at the first visit for prenatal recommend our iron stores. If iron stores are insufficient, your doctor added.
Here is another way to deal with fatigue:
Move on. For example, walk or an easy stretch. You get fresh longer if it a few times a week (20 minutes each time).
The consumption of prenatal vitamins. Vitamin intake, the body will fill the gap, especially when appetite decreases. Because it contains iron, vitamins can treat anemia.
Something to get sleep while you can. When we work, set aside about 15 minutes of rest (sleep) on the table.

Breast swelling
Although the fetus is still small breasts are getting ready to eat. Hormonal changes and growing channel milky (around week six of pregnancy), the breasts feel swollen and painful. To ease the pain:
Buy a bigger bra with extra hooks, making it easy to set-set requirement.
Wear a bra "bed" made of soft cotton, if the pain makes sleep difficult. BH is able to support the chest.

Changes in libido
Hormonal changes and blood flow, the vagina and the clitoris becomes more delicate and sensitive. For some women, this means increased libido (intense orgasms or multiple). Some women are even reluctant to have sex again.

Whatever our mood, it contains normal. But your husband in this state include: Say what we feel excited (or excited), so it does not feel rejected. Remember, sex is not just intercourse alone. Hugs, touches and caresses the back is another way to keep the romance.

Emotions fluctuated
Hormones, lack of sleep at night, and other pregnancy disorders can emotional instability. All these feelings really cheap! We should try to (spouse certainly grateful!) To control. The trick? Get enough rest and exercise diligently. In addition, for my friends to see (especially the are pregnant) via phone, email or conversation to trust.

So ...

The first three months of pregnancy is a time of fun - but maybe a little worried. Changes in the body brings a variety of symptoms and the variety of emotional problems. Consult a physician if there were not understood.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Method to get a baby boy

Pregnant boy is craving some couples, one way or the other of the following methods can be done to try to get it. least be possible to achieve a pregnancy children.

In modern ways, choosing the sex of the baby is really doing. But the way it's going to be expensive.
Fortunately there are some natural ways that can safely be done to determine the sex of the baby to. There are several popular methods proved to be a pregnant woman to her baby boy.

Keep in mind that the gene for the boy gets the Y chromosome swim faster, so they can reach the egg rather than the X-chromosome (genes for females). But despite the fast for the Y chromosome, he is more likely to die. So the Y chromosome is stored through the acid region sheath.

One way to do this is by controlling the acidity or pH Miss V. Why? Because the Y chromosome is easy to die if it is under very acidic conditions. Therefore, it was held that the condition of vaginal acidity Y chromosome live longer.

How? Here are a few methods are suggested:

1. Methods First, sex in the fertile
sex on ovulation (fertile period) will provide greater opportunities for the boys to get as XY sperm tend to be more quickly and tend to the eggs first. It has been suggested related to ovulation, at least in the range from 1 day before ovulation, 12 hours after ovulation, would like to increase the chances of an increase in the child. While opportunities for women who want a touch made 3 days or more before ovulation.

2. Both methods, when having sex with a partner, a woman orgasm.
 Several studies have shown an orgasm may be biological effects created in the vagina, making it an ideal place for the Y chromosome to survive.

According to Dr. Landrum Shettles, an expert who is popular for his book "How to choose the sex of your baby" orgasm in women may also help the sperm reach the egg.

3. The third method boys to get to the level of acidity in the vagina by eating certain foods.

Foods to eat too many of them are apples, bananas and turnips. While the food should be reduced or even avoided any form of red meat.

To her husband, she also had to eat certain foods. Food should be consumed red meat and seafood.

4. The four methods that couples get the baby boy, he has the deepest penetration possible to do during sex.
 This penetration depth can later help the sperm closer to the egg.

In addition to the method described above, another way to help, as proposed by Dr. Landrum Shettles is:

1. Your spouse (husband) did not ejaculate 4-5 days before women of childbearing age.
2. Sperm swim in a position that could be as close as possible to the egg.
This position is recommended that men on the Y chromosome can quickly get to the egg.
3. Come evening and tried to reach female orgasm first.

I hope the above method method returns the results as expected, and .....
Prayer accompanied also yes, because people try it?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Overcoming Nausea and Vomiting When Pregnant/ Hiperemesis Gravidarum

Overcoming nausea during pregnancy, especially during early pregnancy, should be done as possible, although nausea during pregnancy (nausea) is often experienced by pregnant women. This condition is usually experienced in the first trimester of pregnancy, and it will disappear when the second and third trimesters. There are several ways you can do to prevent nausea and vomiting in pregnant women to reduce preventable, so there are no problems in the mother and fetus, and does not interfere with your activities.

Some things you can do to reduce nausea are:

1. Change your eating habits.
In the beginning of pregnancy conditions, pregnant women usually difficult to eat because of nausea. So no nutritional deficiencies, do not eat large portions at once, but try a bit small meals, but eat often. "So one day, 4-5 times a day to eat in small portions. This is to avoid an empty stomach and to maintain a stable blood sugar," said the doctor.

2. Consumption of a balanced diet.
During pregnancy, eat a lot of foods high in carbohydrates and high in protein. Remember to eat fruit and vegetables as a supplement to a balanced diet.

3. Slowly.
Get used to move slowly, and avoid touching and quick reflexes. When you wake up in the morning, no rush to get up and stand. Sit here and sat on the bed. After a while a new move slowly and stood up.

4. Prepare a snack.
If you feel sick when you wake up in the morning, prepare snacks like biscuits is your favorite in the bed. This will prevent your stomach is empty.

5. Avoid certain foods.
During pregnancy, usually smell sensitive. "So if there is a certain smell will stimulate nausea. But it is every person," he added. To prevent nausea and vomiting, avoid strong smelling foods, cigarettes and other odors.

6. Drink ginger
 Except as body warmers, ginger is also used to prevent nausea suffered by pregnant women to alleviate. If you feel sick, drink ginger stew to as many as 250 to 300 mg drinking.

7. Consumption of supplements.
Until now, many supplements sold to reduce nausea during pregnancy. However, in order to reduce nausea, consume supplements containing vitamin B6.

Tips For Smart Baby Since the content

There are several methods by which we try during pregnancy, the baby can do to enhance intelligence. Healthy food and stimulates the fetus in the womb had connections in the brains can intelligence and concentration, so they learn to improve in the future.

Here are some ways you can do to increase the IQ as a baby in the womb....

1. Chatback fetus

Fetus can hear sounds that occurs outside the uterus in week 23 of pregnancy. To hear his ability is still limited, but the sound of his mother be distinguished.

Health experts from the NYU Brain Research Laboratories agree play soothing music or read a poem for the baby in the womb is useful for reading, writing and language to later improve babies.

2. Eat healthy food

Healthy food choices are not only useful for the pregnant mother but also the unborn child. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids (vegetable) and derivatives (DHA) promoting the development of the child brains oily fish such as tuna, salmon and herring. The fish oil and liver are also high in omega-3, while poultry and egg yolk are encouraged to meet the needs of DHA.

Foods high in folic acid, such as citrus fruits, broccoli, liver, green leafy vegetables, nuts and eliminate the risk of brain disorders, Spinal cord.

3. Stimulate baby

Study Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychology suggests that low light can stimulate the baby when close to the belly of the mother. Give your baby a bright light directly on the stomach, as it can harm the baby's eyes.

They feel the answer to beat in the perception of movement or move from the stomach. Gently touching the abdomen is also another way to stimulate the baby.

4. Avoid stress

Avoid stress because this has a negative impact on the development of the infant must. If you are stressed and anxious, it is likely to make, because you worry baby. Together with their hormones To avoid stress, try relaxation exercises or yoga pregnancy exercises.

5. Stop unhealthy habits

Stop smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs because they can impede development of the brains in babies, according to a study conducted at the Moffitt Cancer Center.

Friday, November 16, 2012

SOME THINGS "may" pregnant women OPPORTUNITIES

Here are some things that pregnancy Life Script quoted as saying, among other things can affect:

Delaying pregnancy Old

"The older the woman's age, number of egg production will be reduced and the quality drop dramatically. Evolutionary woman's body is not designed to get pregnant as easily as in women of 20 years," said Mousa Shamonki, MD, to Director of a fertility specialist at the University of California.

Small sperm

Female fertility, but also of the male sperm. Low sperm count or less than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen is very less for fertilizing an egg. According to the Mayo Clinic, a normal ejaculation contains at least 39 million sperm.

A woman can still get pregnant even if the sperm count of her husband published little, but it will take a long time to complete. Talk about the problem of low sperm production to the doctor.

Woman too thin

Almost all women crave a slim body and a wonderful way to exercise and a strict diet. People who probably lean design effort.

"The lack of fat may produce hormones, which slows before ovulation, including the hormone estrogen. Estrogen and testosterone, which produce semen of cholesterol stimulates. Reduced fat so good for pregnant women", said John Norian, MD, a fertility specialist at Loma Linda University Center for Fertility, California.

Question. Your doctor to determine the ideal weight for fertility to optimize

Too Fat Woman
Women who may have problems with weight also difficult to understand. This is because too much fat cells causes excess production of estrogen, so that irregular ovulation. Furthermore, the excess risk of miscarriage.

Train hard to
Exercise is very good for you, but too much exercise actually make you hard to get pregnant.

"Women too hard exercise, body fat, which produce estrogen, lose what helps stimulate ovulation. Exercising 4-5 days a week will be carried out for 30 minutes to get your heart rate 120-130 beats per minute," said Norian.

It may be too much movement also lead to an increase in the internal temperature of the testes, the sperm die. Sports affect the shape of the sperm, the most important factor infertility over-represented.

The consumption of supplements

Sometimes good habits, such as taking vitamins, the chance of pregnancy. Too much vitamin A is stored in the body can lead to birth defects, heart defects and other disorders.

Women aged 19 and over not exceeding 5000 IU per day, at least 50% beta-carotene, usually the number in a multivitamin.

Be wary of taking dietary supplements. Make sure you. Consume supplements not certain hormones that affect fertility brakes

Almost all of the lubricants can cause damage to sperm and an increased risk of infertility. Check the label to make sure the liquid lubricant does not contain spermicide.

If you use a lubricant, choose water-based lubricant with the material, not petroleum-based, because it can slow sperm.

Other factors
Several factors avoid smoke pregnancy, a disorder in the organ content, use of alcohol and too much intake of caffeine in the body

Hopefully helpful .... : )

PREPARING FOR BIRTH / LABOUR, since the beginning of pregnancy

Here are some things that the mothers and pregnant women are known, should also be properly prepare for childbirth:

1. Starting a pregnancy with a positive thought from the beginning of pregnancy.
In prayer, bring that to give the birth mother normal and natural. Enjoy the body changes during pregnancy with gratitude, underwent no complaints highs and lows as Mothers as part of the sacred duty of the woman-

2. To consult regularly, midwives and doctors.
-Consult ailments and illnesses can be cured since the beginning of the pregnancy immediately. -

3. Physical preparations such as pregnant women exercise, brisk walking, breathing exercises, etc. ..

4. Stamina care with adequate rest, a healthy diet and regular early in the pregnancy.
-Especially the fabric has a well balanced diet calories, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Pregnant women should avoid eating fast food, alcohol, drugs and smoking. -

5. To connect with other pregnant women to maximize especially those who had a normal delivery and the exchange of experiences.
- Choose the positive things in proportion, what mothers feel to be motivated and supported to give birth normally. For example, IMD and such a great experience. -

6. Approach to the day before the expected date of birth, a time for the hospital tour and orientation at the hospital or clinic where the mother will give birth.
-Make friends see a midwife or a nurse, and, where nursery to find out what is available support facilities for normal work there and so on. -

7. Things - things that a sense of calm to the mother, while offering them in the delivery room.
Took place-If you like soft music or take sing songs and enjoy while waiting for the birth. The presentation of the next person, man or mother who is able to give, support during labor. -

8. Building a good relationship with the doctors and nurses in the delivery room.
-No need to ask if it. A process that is not yet clear Follow all instructions given. Communicate delivery with a midwife when she -. Than interfere with the service -

9. Meet the need, eat and drink enough during labor.
- Should spend snacks and sugary drinks that can be enjoyed hot between - between contractions.

10. If not hold pee during birth.
The state-of a full bladder during labor will hinder the baby's head to fall on the floor of the pelvis. If the mother is still strong for the road - the road to help around the maternity ward smoothen the process of deterioration of the baby's head. -

11. Not taking medications or herbal marinade facilitate mother Fatimah as a basis, raw eggs, and so on. These things are demonstrably harmful to the condition of the child and the mother.

Hopefully later as the data delivery process simple and smooth  ... : )

Friday, November 2, 2012

Appearing Fashionable While Pregnant

 Also, choose a method of model error, simply open make you look stylish, creating even more pregnancy when the belly bulge and your face is chubby. So he needs a special guide in the choice of clothes for pregnant women, the following tips:

Remove the impression Strait
Tight clothing instead accentuate your pregnancy in which the conditions of the abdomen. Then, choose loose clothing, but it should not be too wide, too. So pay attention to your body size

Choose dark colored clothing
Dressed in dark colors will make an impression on wearing thin. Black jacket can give the impression slim upper body. But not just any black, dark shades, there are clothes with colors like navy blue, brown or green moss, which can be adjusted as desired.

Motivation Personalize your clothes
Do not choose a dress with a pattern of high, however, in order to create the impression that it is being expanded or not to choose the model of dress horizontally gari is the same, you want to print continues to grow. Then, choose a model or a small image or pattern of vertical lines, it will return the slim body
render print

Use the V Necklace
The collar will be helpful for you to correct the shape of your face is chubby. Do not choose a dress with a high collar, it is increasingly accentuate your face shape is more rounded.

Entice with T-shirt
T-shirt with cotton underwear suitable for pregnant women because the material is able to absorb the sweat. To add a beautiful display of pregnant women, mothers can choose T-shirt dress that accentuated the pregnancy, which make you look attractive, such as the T-shirt slogan: "Baby on Board", "See u in October "(by HPL)," I love my hump "and others.

When the clock stylish pregnant
Maxi dress can make a pregnant woman look full of elegance. Choose a maxi dress with a halter neck fit, if you want to look more formal. This can hide the shape of your breasts bigger. If you use the dress, use tape or ribbon ornaments small, it is useful to hide the belly bulge.

Wear pants with the parties according to their size
Do not use the pants are too big, because it would only feel important to you. Use the format fitting pants, with the linear model, corresponding to the color of your dress, but do not forget to look at your space resulting from these briefs. If you want to wear jeans, jeans elastic use, or use a particular pair of pregnant women who have a tie at the waist or a special pocket in the stomach

Selection of shoes
Use shoes, do not use high heels. This is to help pregnant women often experience swelling in the legs. Try to book a space of at least 1 cm of the foot, at the end of September

Pregnant women can use some accessories to distract others from the womb. But do not use too
pile up accessories. Attempts to pregnant women use the accessories to a least, appear as simple as possible. Perform simple does not mean that they are not fashionable. As regards the ease of pregnant women themselves. So, at a glance, pregnant women do not need to be in excess hard with mounting accessories.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 2 )

Pregnancy signals. Article Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 1 ) reaches about 6 signs that you are pregnant, such as a change in the chest, left blood, nausea and vomiting, frequent urination, dizziness and headache, and feeling very tired and sleepy. This time we will see six other signs that are real women.Signs of early pregnancyThat's a sign of pregnancy if the woman feels.

7. ConstipationIncreased progesterone during pregnancy can cause constipation. This is because, in addition to relax the muscles of the uterus, the hormone also relaxes the muscular wall of the intestine. But on the other side of the state is really useful, because absorption of nutrients during pregnancy to be the maximum.Also caused by hormonal changes, constipation is also caused by
consumption supplements. If you are taking supplements in excess, can develop hemorrhoids. Therefore, consult your doctor before taking supplements.

8. Often expectorationDuring pregnancy, your saliva production increases difficulty chewing food. Furthermore, the excessive production of saliva, which also makes your teeth and gums swell deteriorated. This condition usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes in estrogen. But after the age of pregnancy in the third trimester, the symptoms have disappeared. In order to overcome the habit of spitting can chew often cookies or bread and sweets consume.

9. Body temperature risesSince the onset of ovulation fertile body temperature increases. And this will happen during pregnancy.

10. Leg swellingWhen pregnancy is the third trimester, the feet swell. This is due to retention of salt and water due gestosis. Besides lower door child has begun to go or pelvis, in order to suppress zone vessels. To overcome a slight swelling in the legs, you can sleep with your feet higher and reduce salt intake. However, if the swelling is abnormal pain foot accompanied by headache, blurred vision, and protein in the urine, should consult a doctor immediately.

11. Varicose veinsVaricose veins often occur as a result of dilated blood vessels that appear from the outside. Most applicants for varicose veins during pregnancy, pregnancy is more than three times. Varicose veins caused by pregnancy hormones and heredity. Varicose veins cause thrombosis, leading to poor blood circulation. To solve this problem, use adjusted socks thigh length.

12. Cramps in the calfWhen young pregnant, you may experience cramps in the calves. E 'caused due to deficiency of certain vitamins or minerals, such as vitamin E, B vitamins and calcium. If cramps, is capable of handling only, without being checked by a doctor. The trick is to massage the body with oil rubbing cramps. In addition, as more water is necessary to consume large quantities.

Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 1 )

Pregnancy signals. So you and your spouse can accommodate pregnancy the right way, then both should know the signs of pregnancy (pregnancy symptoms), make things happen, which is not expected, as miscarriage. So, what are the signs of pregnancy?In addition to a late stage of pregnancy, the following are 12 signs of pregnancy that is felt by those who are pregnant. These may appear in the first week may be the week after.12 signs of pregnancy

1. Breast Changes HappenDuring pregnancy, the breasts are full and the nipples become larger and more sensitive. This is due to an increase in the production of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, HPL, oxytocin and prolactin. Having sex with their husbands increases the flow of blood into the chest to look more sexy and your partner to activate the sensation of pleasure.In addition, her breasts also feels softer, so you feel pain or pain after. Areola area is enlarged and the color becomes darker and itching. The points around the areola also enlarge and secrete the fluid that acts as an oiler.

2. Blood spots or stains Follow crampsIn the first few months of pregnancy, between 8 and 10 days after ovulation points occur due to the attachment of the embryo in the uterine wall. In general, staining is followed by abdominal cramps. Terms experience abdominal cramps until the second quarter.During sex, vagina may experience occasional bleeding due to rupture of small blood vessels located at the end of the cervix. This is because the blood supply to the uterine neck have improved.

3. Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)Approximately 85% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. This is due to increased Gonadoptrophin human chorionic hormone (HCG) in the bloodstream and excessively suddenly. Hormones increase cause serious damage to the stomach lining, causing nausea. Besides blood, hormones increase also occurs in the urinary tract. Therefore, the test group can be used to measure levels of the hormone through through urine.Those most likely to suffer from nausea and vomiting in the morning, this phenomenon is known as morning sickness. However, there are also women who suffer from these symptoms when they smell a certain smell due to metabolic disorders of carbohydrates.

4. Frequent urination (frequent urination)The fetus in the uterus grows bladder press, so that the blood circulation. In addition, the bladder is filled with water often increases as fast emptying. It is caused by an increase in pregnancy hormones.Therefore, Adan not hold when feels the need. Furthermore, the increased intake of fluids in the body to prevent dehydration. Once you get past the age of the first quarter, demand drops because the uterus and bladder pressure is reduced.

5. Dizziness and headache (headache)Disorders dizziness and headaches often feel during pregnancy is caused by a physical factor, such as fatigue, nausea, hunger and low blood pressure and emotional factors such as stress and depression. Increased body changes during pregnancy can also cause you to feel dizzy when you change position.If kept too long, blood vessels of the legs are extended so that the blood pools in the lower body. As a result, when the heart works harder to pump blood through the body. This phenomenon is more when they are hungry or tired.When he wakes up from sleep, dizziness protease head and eyes in amazement, as the central nervous system flow blood later. This condition can cause fainting. Therefore, when they want to wake from sleep stages. Sitting in bed before getting up and walking. Therefore, blood flow to adapt to the changes of position.

6. Feeling tired and very sleepy 

During pregnancy, you will feel tired and easily too tired. This is due to a change hormonial and increase the performance of various organs such as the kidneys, heart and lungs. Besides working to meet their needs, but also works for the growth and development of fetal organs. Your stomach will expand with age in pregnancy also give you weight. Next Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 2 )

Friday, October 26, 2012

Types and Benefits of Sports for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, the body organs work twice as hard now holds the pregnancy. Therefore, many women experience pain just too tired, even more frequently, are prone to headaches, dizziness, etc.. It is therefore recommended during pregnancy, pregnant women, not to excessive fatigue to make a pregnant woman can often help a lot of rest for pregnant women through the days. Yet, this does not mean that the bed of the twiddle pregnant woman, pregnant women need more exercise for fitness and health during pregnancy to improve. Certainly, there are many types and different exercises, when the mother is pregnant.
Many pregnant women get the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Help with practice, the mother mood, comfortable sleep, relieves pain and suffering to improve. Besides exercise, pregnant women can be expected that the demand for labor is done to improve since. Strength and muscle mass, which formed regular exercise during pregnancy make it easier for mothers to produce the body after birth.
The core of the pregnancy exercise is to control your weight, cardiac output control to increase to keep fit, the muscles to prepare for childbirth, without stress or problems for the fetus in the womb. Here are some sports that pregnant women can do, but not all women can do depending on the condition of the pregnant woman herself, so the training is very important to consult your doctor.
GoIt is the best type of exercise that can be performed by a pregnant woman during pregnancy. Walking is very good for blood circulation and keep pregnant women stay fit. Here everyone can make walking course requires no device can be carried anywhere and can be carried out until the end of pregnancy.According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women can exercise walking 30 minutes a day.Avoid during the run, dehydration pregnant women, so always carry water, as you may or may not do in the heat of the day. Also occur at night. Avoid walking uphill and the road.Stop walking exercise in pregnant women experience bleeding, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, pain or cramps in the calves, ruptured membranes or suspected after walking a condition to the reduction of fetal movements.
SwimmingHealth experts say that swimming is one of the best sport for pregnant women. swim very well, because it is a very good exercise large muscles (arms and legs). Providing benefits for the heart and also make it easier to lose weight for pregnant women with more weight. Besides swimming exercise can pregnant women to avoid drying. But pregnant women are advised to drink a glass every 15 minutes water pool and a drink at the end. Swimming sport can only pregnant for 30 minutes per day. Braza matching is done by pregnant women because they do not need as many laps in freestyle requires minimal energy. Even then went swimming is also good for pregnant women because the water can reduce the effect of gravity on the body. In the supine position, in order to prevent the disturbance of the blood flow
Gymnastics pregnantAlthough pregnant women can train on their own on the basis of a number of excellent players, but it would be better if the pregnant woman doing pregnancy exercise carried out by experts or take classes during pregnancy is a lot of walking. Besides fitness and get the right guidance, you can communicate with other pregnant women. Further improve the knowledge and experience with others Rising due to pregnancy health and fitness exercise for pregnant women and their fetuses. Exercise can also help to pregnancy, and strengthening the muscles for further work is needed to facilitate the birth.
YogaAlso, pregnancy exercise, if a pregnant woman wants to do yoga is best to take care of yoga under the guidance of an expert. That and the support of the pregnant fitness is simply the practice of yogic breathing and relaxation is very important that pregnant women need later, during birth, because the delivery required started to breathe properly and relax pregnant women and helps to Yoga. The relaxation from the practice of yoga has arisen for a pregnant woman spends her days in peace, is also able to reduce fear of childbirth.

StrengthThe benefits of strength training is one of them, to reduce the incidence of maternal injury reduction and strengthen the muscles around the joints stronger. It can also help you gain power during pregnancy and childbirth. Perform strength training is simple and can be done at home. Using the maximum load and the average of the normal weight. The supply of drinking water during the training progress.
ExpansionTheir flexibility through stretching exercises can help pregnant women during childbirth and can also help to relieve pain during labor. Stretching exercises can also help pregnant women relax.Note Check with your doctor before training motherly.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nutrition Support Fertility

There are several ways to increase fertility. The first is to eat foods that help pregnant women and parents of fertility. What are the important nutrients question?
Without neglecting the role of other nutrients, vitamins and minerals should be your concern is the planning of the presence of the child. In fact, if you eat a balanced diet model, the body needs vitamins and minerals can be met. However, vitamins and minerals can be easily lost in food processing.Here are some nutrients and food sources that must be taken into account for fertility

Vitamin A. Plays an important role in the production of healthy sperm. It is found in liver, butter, margarine, eggs, milk, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, broccoli, carrots, spinach, tomatoes.

Vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D reduces the fertility rate of 75%. Sources of vitamin D in the body with the help of sunlight, but can be obtained from eggs, butter, fish oil, tuna, salmon.

Vitamin E. Improve the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg and prevent a miscarriage because of its role in maintaining the health of the uterus and placenta. It is found in many vegetable oils, wheat bran, cabbage, bean sprouts.

Vitamin B6. Deficiencies of these vitamins cause
not balanced hormones. Although the balance of estrogen and progesterone hormones essential for pregnancy. Sources of vitamin B6 include chicken, fish, kidney, rice, soybeans, peanuts, bananas, cabbage.

Vitamin C. Females, vitamin C plays an important role in ovarian function and egg formation. In addition, as an antioxidant (with Vitamin E and beta-carotene), vitamin C plays organ cells protect the body against free radicals (oxidants) that affect the health of the reproductive system. Vitamin C is abundant in guava, grapefruit, strawberries, papaya, mango, cabbage, tomatoes, red peppers.

Zinc (Zn). Contributed to the growth of sex organs and also the formation of healthy sperm. Sources of zinc are seafood (seafood), meat, nuts, grains, dairy products.

Selenium (Se). Important role in the production of healthy sperm. Symptoms of selenium deficiency include hypertension, sexual dysfunction and infertility. Sources of selenium include rice, egg yolks, shellfish, meat, garlic, tomato, tuna, milk.
Keep the nutrient content. Here are some tips
retain their vitamins and minerals in  food / beverage

Use fresh foods. Not be used to dry and store vegetables in the summer, before the trial.
Sport vegetables quickly, both during cutting and washing.
If you are forced to absorb, not too long.
Cook vegetables quickly and uses less water.
Do not wait too long after eating cooked food.
Store fruits and vegetables in an area protected from light and quite cold in the refrigerator.
Store milk in a cool place, protected from light (if the milk is stored in a glass, vitamin D can be damaged)

10 Pregnant Women Nutrition Facts

Fact # 1: The weight loss diet is not recommended during pregnancyAlthough pregnant women have heavier than normal standards, doctors recommend that women who are pregnant to lose weight. According to the guidelines of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 1990, obese women should continue to have a weight gain of 6 to 10 pounds during pregnancy. Weight loss diet can affect the mother and the fetus due to lack of essential nutrients during pregnancy. Physical activity is recommended to maintain your weight during pregnancy, compared with a reduction of nutrient intake.

Fact # 2: Adaptation of folic acid to prevent spina bifidaAn adequate intake of folic acid is important before and during the nine months of pregnancy. Folic acid deficiency can cause birth defects, such as incomplete closure of the neural tube station (spina bifida).

Fact # 3: Energy demand has increased only slightly during pregnancy.Daily energy requirement during pregnancy is only slightly above normal. On average, the energy of a woman should gain from the fourth month of pregnancy 250-300 calories per day. This is equivalent to half a bowl of rice or a bowl of porridge. The most important is not the quantity but the quality that guarantees the achievement of a balanced diet, rich in minerals and vitamins.

Fact # 4: Iodine is required by the fetus for thyroid hormone and brain development.Iodine is a component of thyroid hormones that play an important role in growth and cell division. The iodine deficiency in the early stages of physical development, i.e., in early embryonic life and can lead to a deficiency of thyroid hormone affecting the physical and severe mental retardation. Pregnant women should get about 0.23 milligrams of iodine intake per day during pregnancy.

Fact # 5: Magnesium reduces the risk of colic, miscarriage and premature delivery.Many doctors prescribe magnesium in pregnant women. Magnesium deficiency can cause stomach cramps and calves, spontaneous abortion and premature delivery. The recommended amount for pregnant women is 310 mg of magnesium per day.

Fact # 6: The dishes are not cooked or boiled dangerous for pregnant women.Eat fresh milk, undercooked meat or fish that is not cooked Japanese style cuisine is not recommended for pregnant women. These foods can be contaminated with pathogens such as Listeria and Toxoplasma gondii, which can lead to complications for mother and baby. Pregnant women should peel fruits and vegetables as a precaution. Frying, steaming, grilling and burning, in general, good enough to destroy harmful pathogens in food. Fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly before being eaten.

Fact # 7: Vitamin A should not be consumed in excess by pregnant women.In a very large number, vitamin A can cause liver toxicity disabled and the unborn child. Pregnant women should not take vitamin supplements in pill without a doctor's guidance and reduce consumption of the liver because the liver contains a lot of vitamin A. The maximum consumption of vitamin A in pregnant women is 10,000 IU.

Fact # 8: iron to prevent anemia in pregnant women.During pregnancy, it is important to ensure that you get a daily dose of iron is recommended because your child to have a backup of your iron. Insufficient intake of iron can cause anemia, which can harm you and your baby.
The daily intake of iron is recommended for adult women is 18 mg per day. During pregnancy, the number is increased to 27 mg per day due to an increase in the volume of maternal blood (approximately 50% compared to pre-pregnancy). In addition, children need iron for growth.

Fact # 9: A liter of milk to meet the needs of women's football in pregnancy.During pregnancy, calcium transfer from mother to newborn up to 270 mg. That pregnant women are not "inferior" football that endanger the health of bones, so you need to get about 1 gram of calcium intake per day. One liter of milk contains about 1.2 grams of calcium, enough to meet the daily needs of pregnant women.

FACT # 10: The caffeine in coffee can endanger pregnancyThe caffeine in coffee increases the risk of miscarriage or having a baby with low birth weight. Pregnant women should limit their intake of coffee no more than two cups a day, or replace them with a low content of caffeine in coffee.