Friday, November 16, 2012

SOME THINGS "may" pregnant women OPPORTUNITIES

Here are some things that pregnancy Life Script quoted as saying, among other things can affect:

Delaying pregnancy Old

"The older the woman's age, number of egg production will be reduced and the quality drop dramatically. Evolutionary woman's body is not designed to get pregnant as easily as in women of 20 years," said Mousa Shamonki, MD, to Director of a fertility specialist at the University of California.

Small sperm

Female fertility, but also of the male sperm. Low sperm count or less than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen is very less for fertilizing an egg. According to the Mayo Clinic, a normal ejaculation contains at least 39 million sperm.

A woman can still get pregnant even if the sperm count of her husband published little, but it will take a long time to complete. Talk about the problem of low sperm production to the doctor.

Woman too thin

Almost all women crave a slim body and a wonderful way to exercise and a strict diet. People who probably lean design effort.

"The lack of fat may produce hormones, which slows before ovulation, including the hormone estrogen. Estrogen and testosterone, which produce semen of cholesterol stimulates. Reduced fat so good for pregnant women", said John Norian, MD, a fertility specialist at Loma Linda University Center for Fertility, California.

Question. Your doctor to determine the ideal weight for fertility to optimize

Too Fat Woman
Women who may have problems with weight also difficult to understand. This is because too much fat cells causes excess production of estrogen, so that irregular ovulation. Furthermore, the excess risk of miscarriage.

Train hard to
Exercise is very good for you, but too much exercise actually make you hard to get pregnant.

"Women too hard exercise, body fat, which produce estrogen, lose what helps stimulate ovulation. Exercising 4-5 days a week will be carried out for 30 minutes to get your heart rate 120-130 beats per minute," said Norian.

It may be too much movement also lead to an increase in the internal temperature of the testes, the sperm die. Sports affect the shape of the sperm, the most important factor infertility over-represented.

The consumption of supplements

Sometimes good habits, such as taking vitamins, the chance of pregnancy. Too much vitamin A is stored in the body can lead to birth defects, heart defects and other disorders.

Women aged 19 and over not exceeding 5000 IU per day, at least 50% beta-carotene, usually the number in a multivitamin.

Be wary of taking dietary supplements. Make sure you. Consume supplements not certain hormones that affect fertility brakes

Almost all of the lubricants can cause damage to sperm and an increased risk of infertility. Check the label to make sure the liquid lubricant does not contain spermicide.

If you use a lubricant, choose water-based lubricant with the material, not petroleum-based, because it can slow sperm.

Other factors
Several factors avoid smoke pregnancy, a disorder in the organ content, use of alcohol and too much intake of caffeine in the body

Hopefully helpful .... : )

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