Saturday, November 24, 2012

Second Trimester Pregnancy (4-6 Month/ 13-27 Weeks)

The gestation period between week 13 to-27 is also called the "period of several honeymoon period very pleasant grounds. Typically, nausea greatly reduced, more emotionally stable, plus libido back to normal at this time also began the action" aka Baby Ball'' s first movements feel. Then there is what is changing in the second trimester of pregnancy?

Nausea disappeared
During this time most expectant had no more cravings. However, if you are required to have a doctor to prevent nausea and vitamin B6 (so 'turbulent' are soothing stomach) to treat to avoid feeling visit. During this time, the stomach is to unpleasant, namely abdominal pain. This is because of the increasing expansion of the uterus and ligaments (connective tissue between the bone).

He started to move!
Almost all first trimester pregnancy, the fetus continues to grow slowly even in the womb. During 12 weeks, then the doctor can see the baby's heartbeat. But we can have a small sign of life still feeling the uterus, such as:
Between week 16 and 20, we can see the baby there have her lap. This is referred to as "acceleration".
By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, you may feel a sort of 'dots', dass repeatedly in the stomach not to be worried. It's just the little man was a disappointment, and it's completely harmless!

Well, the activities fair or somewhat dull, like going to the bathroom, you can use your breath panting. It is a common occurrence, really. Climb growing uterus on the lungs so desperately, making it difficult for air to come and go, however free, if you inhale more illness, consult your doctor.

Body changes
In the 16th week, we had to start wearing maternity clothes, as the circle grew waist and wide hips. In Week 27, the weight will increase about 7-10 kg. What about the baby? weigh up "with about 1 kg, the feeling that we start with the presence of another phenomenon of pregnancy.!. Stretchmarks. most striae or character lines lax own skin will disappear after birth most" left "is a thin line of white or silver.

Emotions change
Although the work is not yet stable enough hormone, the body adapts for three months, so we could not as sensitive as before. On the other hand, due to changes in body shape, we only worry about the long term effects of pregnancy on the body. In order to overcome these feelings, you should:
Buying clothes, the "funny" (model is much maternity clothes are fashionable and trendy, you know).
Pamper yourself with a variety of things, you look like a manicure to improve, cut the still healthy and well-groomed nails, hair, spa and much more.
Just enjoy the happy feeling felt by the day.

Increased sex drive
In the fourth month of pregnancy, or the fifth, we suddenly felt very sexy. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the body produces more estrogen. Finish each day, the ovaries produce estrogen pregnant women with estrogen-equivalent of the woman is not pregnant for 3 years! Really great, yes. And because the nausea and fatigue (which is common in the first trimester) was established, we feel passionate about sex with their husbands. In fact, some women experience orgasms for the first time.

Exercise more, please!
If the nausea and fatigue forced us to your exercise routine, who left during the first trimester of pregnancy, it's time to go back to training. What kind of exercise is suitable? Try this one:
Kegel exercises. Can the process of birth (and sliders) to facilitate and reduce the risk of not keeping in a position to supply small or large intestine. The trick contract (temporary and relaxed) vaginal muscles as if their urine! Hold and repeat.
Yoga. Yoga is specifically tailored to your changing body. On the positive side, was able to talk to other pregnant women.
Swimming. This including low-impact workout. The lightness of the body weight in floating feet a little rest and no additional work hard to support the body.
Go. Although "just" run smoothly around the complex, more blood, you know. Bonus feel more energetic!
So ...
The second trimester is the best during pregnancy. For this reason, a lot of fun! Also there are many things we can do: exercise, shopping for baby, and reward yourself! While doing fun things we can enjoy the beautiful movements and changes in the uterus every day. How cool is that?

Be careful!
Avoid lifting heavy weights or surgery, which can raise blood pressure to dangerous levels.
Avoided after the fourth or fifth month exercise requirements should sleep on their backs. This position could lead to major blood vessels arising from your sick child bloodstream interfere.
Eat a light snack about 1 hour before training. Caloric intake helps your energy.
Drink water during your workout. Keep your body is not dehydrated.
Especially careful with sports, a balance. The body can lead to unexpected reactions. For example, when running or step aerobics exercise, you would suddenly be distributed.

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