Thursday, November 22, 2012

First Trimester Pregnancy/1-3 months of pregnancy

Cravings And not like the food
Apparently gave almost 80% of pregnant women craving, while about 85% of pregnant women was not allowed to swallow certain foods. So we have to obey the request or avoid foods that do not like? If you do not crave healthy foods and eating bags of potato chips or ice liters, so go ahead. It's easy to limit snacks 75-100 calorie servings per day. Substitute for foods that are not popular, with other foods that are safe for the stomach:
If you do not drink milk, replace it. With low fat cheese, cottage cheese or yogurt It could also be slipped milk in sauces, soups, oatmeal, or pancakes.
If you can not swallow vegetables, fruit chew rich in beta-carotene, such as mango, apricot or watermelon.
If you do not eat meat, try nuts. Or beef or chicken hiding in sauce or soup.

Morning Sickness
Nearly 85% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. And, this could all day! Although the cause is not entirely clear chorionicgonadotropin hormone believed to be the perpetrators. The more hormones in the body, the nausea more. The good news: According to some experts, the nausea, the lower the risk of miscarriage or premature birth. So, how to deal with morning sickness?
Eat a little. Eat small meals (but frequently) can relieve nausea and a full stomach (nausea escalate once an empty stomach). Instead of forcing myself to consume soft foods, more experts recommend that eat what you want (the origins of the food is healthy!). If your stomach can only 'receive' cheese on toast for a few days, so be it.
Eating ginger. Ginger was found to be very effective in relieving nausea. So seemed fresh ginger and put in tea or juice. In this way, it could be the greatest value.
Try vitamin B6. Vitamin supplements can be your stomach empty faster. Ask your doctor the best dose for you

The sense of smell rises
Many women say, the stronger the sense of smell during pregnancy. One theory is that: This will help away from foods that contain a lot of bacteria or natural toxins that a fetus can harm during an important period in its growth. This powerful sense of smell decreases with increasing gestational age.

Frequent urination
Although the body has shown no signs of pregnancy, the uterus is growing. This condition causes pressure on the bladder (which actually never completely empty). Plus, the kidneys work continuously dirt from the body. As a result, we have to urinate frequently. However, do not reduce the portion of the drink and do not hold your pee (This habit can cause urinary tract infections). To reduce the frequency of urination at night, stopped drinking a few hours before bedtime, do not drink caffeine (caffeine stimulates the bladder), and urinate again before the lights.

Hormones are constantly working your skin may produce more oil. Together with increasing gestational age, acne will disappear. we can control acne, the "stubborn" in the following way:
Do not rub or clean the skin too often. Use a gentle cleanser that does not dry skin later on.
Switch to an oil-free moisturizer. There is no reason for the oil on the skin oily, is to add!
Read the label on the product of choice. Avoid glycolic acid used.But okay, products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinol, or steroids because potentially birth defects.

Pregnant women actually inhale more deeply, and that is good because the more oxygen-rich blood supply. Even if enough air surprised, not when we are suddenly short of breath. Some of them are, because babies spend more carbon dioxide to us.

Low blood sugar (due to changes in metabolism), increased the hormone and reduces blood flow to the brain may trigger headaches in some future mother. If the headache, use hot or cold compresses, massage temples, and find fresh air. If this fails, paracetamol is safe for pregnant women. If you suffer from migraines, see your doctor.

Dry eye or vision problems
By increasing the blood flow, the body slightly swollen (including the eye). Corneal thickening "stand out" and so disturbing vision. For contact lens wearers should first deposit and replace with regular glasses to delivery. Even if you can not experience blurred vision, rather dry eye due to changing hormones. Use eye drops, to moisten the eyes and, if necessary, your doctor glasses that are used for a short time, only required.

Fatigue for 24 hours a day? It is most common in pregnancy. Hard to carries the burden of a growing body of fetal growth: The ovaries produce the hormone progesterone (a sedative effect) and blood volume increases by 50% for the blood supply to the fetus.

Other causes of fatigue (which is not often realized!) Are anemia or a deficiency of red blood cells. Additional iron is needed to produce red blood cells in infants. If the content of iron is not enough, the fetus will take what it needs from your body. As a result of iron stores in the body is reduced. Usually, your doctor may order a blood test at the first visit for prenatal recommend our iron stores. If iron stores are insufficient, your doctor added.
Here is another way to deal with fatigue:
Move on. For example, walk or an easy stretch. You get fresh longer if it a few times a week (20 minutes each time).
The consumption of prenatal vitamins. Vitamin intake, the body will fill the gap, especially when appetite decreases. Because it contains iron, vitamins can treat anemia.
Something to get sleep while you can. When we work, set aside about 15 minutes of rest (sleep) on the table.

Breast swelling
Although the fetus is still small breasts are getting ready to eat. Hormonal changes and growing channel milky (around week six of pregnancy), the breasts feel swollen and painful. To ease the pain:
Buy a bigger bra with extra hooks, making it easy to set-set requirement.
Wear a bra "bed" made of soft cotton, if the pain makes sleep difficult. BH is able to support the chest.

Changes in libido
Hormonal changes and blood flow, the vagina and the clitoris becomes more delicate and sensitive. For some women, this means increased libido (intense orgasms or multiple). Some women are even reluctant to have sex again.

Whatever our mood, it contains normal. But your husband in this state include: Say what we feel excited (or excited), so it does not feel rejected. Remember, sex is not just intercourse alone. Hugs, touches and caresses the back is another way to keep the romance.

Emotions fluctuated
Hormones, lack of sleep at night, and other pregnancy disorders can emotional instability. All these feelings really cheap! We should try to (spouse certainly grateful!) To control. The trick? Get enough rest and exercise diligently. In addition, for my friends to see (especially the are pregnant) via phone, email or conversation to trust.

So ...

The first three months of pregnancy is a time of fun - but maybe a little worried. Changes in the body brings a variety of symptoms and the variety of emotional problems. Consult a physician if there were not understood.

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