Friday, October 26, 2012

Types and Benefits of Sports for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, the body organs work twice as hard now holds the pregnancy. Therefore, many women experience pain just too tired, even more frequently, are prone to headaches, dizziness, etc.. It is therefore recommended during pregnancy, pregnant women, not to excessive fatigue to make a pregnant woman can often help a lot of rest for pregnant women through the days. Yet, this does not mean that the bed of the twiddle pregnant woman, pregnant women need more exercise for fitness and health during pregnancy to improve. Certainly, there are many types and different exercises, when the mother is pregnant.
Many pregnant women get the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Help with practice, the mother mood, comfortable sleep, relieves pain and suffering to improve. Besides exercise, pregnant women can be expected that the demand for labor is done to improve since. Strength and muscle mass, which formed regular exercise during pregnancy make it easier for mothers to produce the body after birth.
The core of the pregnancy exercise is to control your weight, cardiac output control to increase to keep fit, the muscles to prepare for childbirth, without stress or problems for the fetus in the womb. Here are some sports that pregnant women can do, but not all women can do depending on the condition of the pregnant woman herself, so the training is very important to consult your doctor.
GoIt is the best type of exercise that can be performed by a pregnant woman during pregnancy. Walking is very good for blood circulation and keep pregnant women stay fit. Here everyone can make walking course requires no device can be carried anywhere and can be carried out until the end of pregnancy.According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women can exercise walking 30 minutes a day.Avoid during the run, dehydration pregnant women, so always carry water, as you may or may not do in the heat of the day. Also occur at night. Avoid walking uphill and the road.Stop walking exercise in pregnant women experience bleeding, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, pain or cramps in the calves, ruptured membranes or suspected after walking a condition to the reduction of fetal movements.
SwimmingHealth experts say that swimming is one of the best sport for pregnant women. swim very well, because it is a very good exercise large muscles (arms and legs). Providing benefits for the heart and also make it easier to lose weight for pregnant women with more weight. Besides swimming exercise can pregnant women to avoid drying. But pregnant women are advised to drink a glass every 15 minutes water pool and a drink at the end. Swimming sport can only pregnant for 30 minutes per day. Braza matching is done by pregnant women because they do not need as many laps in freestyle requires minimal energy. Even then went swimming is also good for pregnant women because the water can reduce the effect of gravity on the body. In the supine position, in order to prevent the disturbance of the blood flow
Gymnastics pregnantAlthough pregnant women can train on their own on the basis of a number of excellent players, but it would be better if the pregnant woman doing pregnancy exercise carried out by experts or take classes during pregnancy is a lot of walking. Besides fitness and get the right guidance, you can communicate with other pregnant women. Further improve the knowledge and experience with others Rising due to pregnancy health and fitness exercise for pregnant women and their fetuses. Exercise can also help to pregnancy, and strengthening the muscles for further work is needed to facilitate the birth.
YogaAlso, pregnancy exercise, if a pregnant woman wants to do yoga is best to take care of yoga under the guidance of an expert. That and the support of the pregnant fitness is simply the practice of yogic breathing and relaxation is very important that pregnant women need later, during birth, because the delivery required started to breathe properly and relax pregnant women and helps to Yoga. The relaxation from the practice of yoga has arisen for a pregnant woman spends her days in peace, is also able to reduce fear of childbirth.

StrengthThe benefits of strength training is one of them, to reduce the incidence of maternal injury reduction and strengthen the muscles around the joints stronger. It can also help you gain power during pregnancy and childbirth. Perform strength training is simple and can be done at home. Using the maximum load and the average of the normal weight. The supply of drinking water during the training progress.
ExpansionTheir flexibility through stretching exercises can help pregnant women during childbirth and can also help to relieve pain during labor. Stretching exercises can also help pregnant women relax.Note Check with your doctor before training motherly.

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