Pregnancy signals. Article Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 1 ) reaches about 6 signs that you are
pregnant, such as a change in the chest, left blood, nausea and
vomiting, frequent urination, dizziness and headache, and feeling very
tired and sleepy. This time we will see six other signs that are real women.Signs of early pregnancyThat's a sign of pregnancy if the woman feels.
7. ConstipationIncreased progesterone during pregnancy can cause constipation. This is because, in addition to relax the muscles of the uterus, the hormone also relaxes the muscular wall of the intestine. But on the other side of the state is really useful, because absorption of nutrients during pregnancy to be the maximum.Also caused by hormonal changes, constipation is also caused by consumption supplements. If you are taking supplements in excess, can develop hemorrhoids. Therefore, consult your doctor before taking supplements.
8. Often expectorationDuring pregnancy, your saliva production increases difficulty chewing food. Furthermore, the excessive production of saliva, which also makes your teeth and gums swell deteriorated. This condition usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes in estrogen. But after the age of pregnancy in the third trimester, the symptoms have disappeared. In order to overcome the habit of spitting can chew often cookies or bread and sweets consume.
9. Body temperature risesSince the onset of ovulation fertile body temperature increases. And this will happen during pregnancy.
10. Leg swellingWhen pregnancy is the third trimester, the feet swell. This is due to retention of salt and water due gestosis. Besides lower door child has begun to go or pelvis, in order to suppress zone vessels. To overcome a slight swelling in the legs, you can sleep with your feet higher and reduce salt intake. However,
if the swelling is abnormal pain foot accompanied by headache, blurred
vision, and protein in the urine, should consult a doctor immediately.
11. Varicose veinsVaricose veins often occur as a result of dilated blood vessels that appear from the outside. Most applicants for varicose veins during pregnancy, pregnancy is more than three times. Varicose veins caused by pregnancy hormones and heredity. Varicose veins cause thrombosis, leading to poor blood circulation. To solve this problem, use adjusted socks thigh length.
12. Cramps in the calfWhen young pregnant, you may experience cramps in the calves. E 'caused due to deficiency of certain vitamins or minerals, such as vitamin E, B vitamins and calcium. If cramps, is capable of handling only, without being checked by a doctor. The trick is to massage the body with oil rubbing cramps. In addition, as more water is necessary to consume large quantities.
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