Thursday, October 18, 2012

Avoid When You're Plan Your Pregnancy

Planning a pregnancy? Well, apparently there are some things that can ruin your chances of getting pregnant. For example, for the plan to adapt to pregnancy, first temporarily to prevent the following things: 

1. Artificial lubricantsThe study shows that artificial lubricants can kill sperm. If you really need an artificial lubricant for sex, artificial lubricant to replace the hot water does not interfere with sperm

2. According to different types of drugsIf you are planning to become pregnant, the simple answer to unnecessary treatment should be discontinued. But if you are taking medications that are needed, ask your doctor or your gynecologist, as generally safe for pregnant women, many drugs.

3. Caffeine in large quantitiesSeveral studies have shown a relationship between the consumption of caffeine with the ability to develop a female. One study showed that women who consumed 300 mg of caffeine per day, a 27% lower risk of pregnancy than women who do not consume caffeine. But there are also studies showing that caffeine consumption was not associated with fertility.Actually, if you are planning a pregnancy, reduce the intake of caffeine per day to less than 300 mg per day. If you are pregnant, caffeine can also increase the risk of miscarriage, so you should immediately consume less caffeine than before you were pregnant. For symptoms such as dizziness or reduce fatigue, slowly reduce your intake of caffeine. Keep in mind that not only the caffeine in coffee, but also tea, soda, chocolate and others.

4. The content of mercury in fishFish is the main source of Omega 3 (EPA and DHA in particular), the. For the development of the baby's brain and eyes of the fish also contains nutrients such as protein, vitamin D and other essential nutrients for a healthy pregnancy and child development. Unfortunately, some types of fish contain mercury, which is harmful to the brains of infants and the development of the nervous system.The use of mercury in fish prevent, reduce the consumption of fish and shellfish to 12 ounces a week at most. Tuna in a can also be avoided. For the consumption of omega-3 to increase, it is possible to increase the consumption of eggs, milk, soy beverages, juice, yogurt, breads, cereals, and margarine. Fish oil can also choose 

5. BarsThe baby is growing very rapidly in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before you realize that you are pregnant. Several studies have shown that excessive amounts of alcohol can also be a risk of failure. So if you are planning to become pregnant, stop the consumption of alcoholic beverages. 

6. CigaretteSmoking reduces the chances of pregnancy, even if you are active smokers or passive smokers. If the smoke pope, pope, asking the habit of smoking cessation, the quality and quantity of semen decreases. 

7. Household ToxinsIt can ruin liquid chemicals and household products also other pregnancy plans LHO .. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States analyzed the chemical PFOA in Teflon cookware, stain removers, packaged foods and cosmetics contain endocrine disruptors. There are also bisphenol A in containers, bottles and plastic containers and phthalates content in shampoos, deodorants, perfumes, hair sprays, and e-mail. If you replace the cleaning and maintenance of the tank in natural food stores, purchase, use a Akca, and cook with pots and pans without teflon. 

8. VoltageStress interferes with the planning pregnancy, since stress can have an effect on the menstrual cycle, as a result of delayed ovulation. In order to avoid too great a burden to overcome, is accustomed healthy communication with your partner and problems only supplied. Yoga or meditation can also help balance your emotions and cope with stress in a healthy way. 

9. Hot TubsIncreased body temperature is too high during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage. So if you are planning to become pregnant, avoid the first immersion in a hot bath for a while. ' "Because the fear is that if you do not know who is pregnant, and you're soaking in a hot bath. This may increase the risk of miscarriage. 

10. Pants that are too tightPants or shorts that are too tight will not break your egg. However, this is not conducive to the health of the uterus. Clothing that is too tight even heat and moisture, reducing the risk of fungal infection. Cotton underwear is better than synthetic underwear.

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