Monday, October 29, 2012

Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 2 )

Pregnancy signals. Article Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 1 ) reaches about 6 signs that you are pregnant, such as a change in the chest, left blood, nausea and vomiting, frequent urination, dizziness and headache, and feeling very tired and sleepy. This time we will see six other signs that are real women.Signs of early pregnancyThat's a sign of pregnancy if the woman feels.

7. ConstipationIncreased progesterone during pregnancy can cause constipation. This is because, in addition to relax the muscles of the uterus, the hormone also relaxes the muscular wall of the intestine. But on the other side of the state is really useful, because absorption of nutrients during pregnancy to be the maximum.Also caused by hormonal changes, constipation is also caused by
consumption supplements. If you are taking supplements in excess, can develop hemorrhoids. Therefore, consult your doctor before taking supplements.

8. Often expectorationDuring pregnancy, your saliva production increases difficulty chewing food. Furthermore, the excessive production of saliva, which also makes your teeth and gums swell deteriorated. This condition usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes in estrogen. But after the age of pregnancy in the third trimester, the symptoms have disappeared. In order to overcome the habit of spitting can chew often cookies or bread and sweets consume.

9. Body temperature risesSince the onset of ovulation fertile body temperature increases. And this will happen during pregnancy.

10. Leg swellingWhen pregnancy is the third trimester, the feet swell. This is due to retention of salt and water due gestosis. Besides lower door child has begun to go or pelvis, in order to suppress zone vessels. To overcome a slight swelling in the legs, you can sleep with your feet higher and reduce salt intake. However, if the swelling is abnormal pain foot accompanied by headache, blurred vision, and protein in the urine, should consult a doctor immediately.

11. Varicose veinsVaricose veins often occur as a result of dilated blood vessels that appear from the outside. Most applicants for varicose veins during pregnancy, pregnancy is more than three times. Varicose veins caused by pregnancy hormones and heredity. Varicose veins cause thrombosis, leading to poor blood circulation. To solve this problem, use adjusted socks thigh length.

12. Cramps in the calfWhen young pregnant, you may experience cramps in the calves. E 'caused due to deficiency of certain vitamins or minerals, such as vitamin E, B vitamins and calcium. If cramps, is capable of handling only, without being checked by a doctor. The trick is to massage the body with oil rubbing cramps. In addition, as more water is necessary to consume large quantities.

Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 1 )

Pregnancy signals. So you and your spouse can accommodate pregnancy the right way, then both should know the signs of pregnancy (pregnancy symptoms), make things happen, which is not expected, as miscarriage. So, what are the signs of pregnancy?In addition to a late stage of pregnancy, the following are 12 signs of pregnancy that is felt by those who are pregnant. These may appear in the first week may be the week after.12 signs of pregnancy

1. Breast Changes HappenDuring pregnancy, the breasts are full and the nipples become larger and more sensitive. This is due to an increase in the production of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, HPL, oxytocin and prolactin. Having sex with their husbands increases the flow of blood into the chest to look more sexy and your partner to activate the sensation of pleasure.In addition, her breasts also feels softer, so you feel pain or pain after. Areola area is enlarged and the color becomes darker and itching. The points around the areola also enlarge and secrete the fluid that acts as an oiler.

2. Blood spots or stains Follow crampsIn the first few months of pregnancy, between 8 and 10 days after ovulation points occur due to the attachment of the embryo in the uterine wall. In general, staining is followed by abdominal cramps. Terms experience abdominal cramps until the second quarter.During sex, vagina may experience occasional bleeding due to rupture of small blood vessels located at the end of the cervix. This is because the blood supply to the uterine neck have improved.

3. Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)Approximately 85% of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. This is due to increased Gonadoptrophin human chorionic hormone (HCG) in the bloodstream and excessively suddenly. Hormones increase cause serious damage to the stomach lining, causing nausea. Besides blood, hormones increase also occurs in the urinary tract. Therefore, the test group can be used to measure levels of the hormone through through urine.Those most likely to suffer from nausea and vomiting in the morning, this phenomenon is known as morning sickness. However, there are also women who suffer from these symptoms when they smell a certain smell due to metabolic disorders of carbohydrates.

4. Frequent urination (frequent urination)The fetus in the uterus grows bladder press, so that the blood circulation. In addition, the bladder is filled with water often increases as fast emptying. It is caused by an increase in pregnancy hormones.Therefore, Adan not hold when feels the need. Furthermore, the increased intake of fluids in the body to prevent dehydration. Once you get past the age of the first quarter, demand drops because the uterus and bladder pressure is reduced.

5. Dizziness and headache (headache)Disorders dizziness and headaches often feel during pregnancy is caused by a physical factor, such as fatigue, nausea, hunger and low blood pressure and emotional factors such as stress and depression. Increased body changes during pregnancy can also cause you to feel dizzy when you change position.If kept too long, blood vessels of the legs are extended so that the blood pools in the lower body. As a result, when the heart works harder to pump blood through the body. This phenomenon is more when they are hungry or tired.When he wakes up from sleep, dizziness protease head and eyes in amazement, as the central nervous system flow blood later. This condition can cause fainting. Therefore, when they want to wake from sleep stages. Sitting in bed before getting up and walking. Therefore, blood flow to adapt to the changes of position.

6. Feeling tired and very sleepy 

During pregnancy, you will feel tired and easily too tired. This is due to a change hormonial and increase the performance of various organs such as the kidneys, heart and lungs. Besides working to meet their needs, but also works for the growth and development of fetal organs. Your stomach will expand with age in pregnancy also give you weight. Next Early signs of pregnancy 12 ( Part 2 )

Friday, October 26, 2012

Types and Benefits of Sports for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, the body organs work twice as hard now holds the pregnancy. Therefore, many women experience pain just too tired, even more frequently, are prone to headaches, dizziness, etc.. It is therefore recommended during pregnancy, pregnant women, not to excessive fatigue to make a pregnant woman can often help a lot of rest for pregnant women through the days. Yet, this does not mean that the bed of the twiddle pregnant woman, pregnant women need more exercise for fitness and health during pregnancy to improve. Certainly, there are many types and different exercises, when the mother is pregnant.
Many pregnant women get the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Help with practice, the mother mood, comfortable sleep, relieves pain and suffering to improve. Besides exercise, pregnant women can be expected that the demand for labor is done to improve since. Strength and muscle mass, which formed regular exercise during pregnancy make it easier for mothers to produce the body after birth.
The core of the pregnancy exercise is to control your weight, cardiac output control to increase to keep fit, the muscles to prepare for childbirth, without stress or problems for the fetus in the womb. Here are some sports that pregnant women can do, but not all women can do depending on the condition of the pregnant woman herself, so the training is very important to consult your doctor.
GoIt is the best type of exercise that can be performed by a pregnant woman during pregnancy. Walking is very good for blood circulation and keep pregnant women stay fit. Here everyone can make walking course requires no device can be carried anywhere and can be carried out until the end of pregnancy.According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women can exercise walking 30 minutes a day.Avoid during the run, dehydration pregnant women, so always carry water, as you may or may not do in the heat of the day. Also occur at night. Avoid walking uphill and the road.Stop walking exercise in pregnant women experience bleeding, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, pain or cramps in the calves, ruptured membranes or suspected after walking a condition to the reduction of fetal movements.
SwimmingHealth experts say that swimming is one of the best sport for pregnant women. swim very well, because it is a very good exercise large muscles (arms and legs). Providing benefits for the heart and also make it easier to lose weight for pregnant women with more weight. Besides swimming exercise can pregnant women to avoid drying. But pregnant women are advised to drink a glass every 15 minutes water pool and a drink at the end. Swimming sport can only pregnant for 30 minutes per day. Braza matching is done by pregnant women because they do not need as many laps in freestyle requires minimal energy. Even then went swimming is also good for pregnant women because the water can reduce the effect of gravity on the body. In the supine position, in order to prevent the disturbance of the blood flow
Gymnastics pregnantAlthough pregnant women can train on their own on the basis of a number of excellent players, but it would be better if the pregnant woman doing pregnancy exercise carried out by experts or take classes during pregnancy is a lot of walking. Besides fitness and get the right guidance, you can communicate with other pregnant women. Further improve the knowledge and experience with others Rising due to pregnancy health and fitness exercise for pregnant women and their fetuses. Exercise can also help to pregnancy, and strengthening the muscles for further work is needed to facilitate the birth.
YogaAlso, pregnancy exercise, if a pregnant woman wants to do yoga is best to take care of yoga under the guidance of an expert. That and the support of the pregnant fitness is simply the practice of yogic breathing and relaxation is very important that pregnant women need later, during birth, because the delivery required started to breathe properly and relax pregnant women and helps to Yoga. The relaxation from the practice of yoga has arisen for a pregnant woman spends her days in peace, is also able to reduce fear of childbirth.

StrengthThe benefits of strength training is one of them, to reduce the incidence of maternal injury reduction and strengthen the muscles around the joints stronger. It can also help you gain power during pregnancy and childbirth. Perform strength training is simple and can be done at home. Using the maximum load and the average of the normal weight. The supply of drinking water during the training progress.
ExpansionTheir flexibility through stretching exercises can help pregnant women during childbirth and can also help to relieve pain during labor. Stretching exercises can also help pregnant women relax.Note Check with your doctor before training motherly.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nutrition Support Fertility

There are several ways to increase fertility. The first is to eat foods that help pregnant women and parents of fertility. What are the important nutrients question?
Without neglecting the role of other nutrients, vitamins and minerals should be your concern is the planning of the presence of the child. In fact, if you eat a balanced diet model, the body needs vitamins and minerals can be met. However, vitamins and minerals can be easily lost in food processing.Here are some nutrients and food sources that must be taken into account for fertility

Vitamin A. Plays an important role in the production of healthy sperm. It is found in liver, butter, margarine, eggs, milk, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, broccoli, carrots, spinach, tomatoes.

Vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D reduces the fertility rate of 75%. Sources of vitamin D in the body with the help of sunlight, but can be obtained from eggs, butter, fish oil, tuna, salmon.

Vitamin E. Improve the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg and prevent a miscarriage because of its role in maintaining the health of the uterus and placenta. It is found in many vegetable oils, wheat bran, cabbage, bean sprouts.

Vitamin B6. Deficiencies of these vitamins cause
not balanced hormones. Although the balance of estrogen and progesterone hormones essential for pregnancy. Sources of vitamin B6 include chicken, fish, kidney, rice, soybeans, peanuts, bananas, cabbage.

Vitamin C. Females, vitamin C plays an important role in ovarian function and egg formation. In addition, as an antioxidant (with Vitamin E and beta-carotene), vitamin C plays organ cells protect the body against free radicals (oxidants) that affect the health of the reproductive system. Vitamin C is abundant in guava, grapefruit, strawberries, papaya, mango, cabbage, tomatoes, red peppers.

Zinc (Zn). Contributed to the growth of sex organs and also the formation of healthy sperm. Sources of zinc are seafood (seafood), meat, nuts, grains, dairy products.

Selenium (Se). Important role in the production of healthy sperm. Symptoms of selenium deficiency include hypertension, sexual dysfunction and infertility. Sources of selenium include rice, egg yolks, shellfish, meat, garlic, tomato, tuna, milk.
Keep the nutrient content. Here are some tips
retain their vitamins and minerals in  food / beverage

Use fresh foods. Not be used to dry and store vegetables in the summer, before the trial.
Sport vegetables quickly, both during cutting and washing.
If you are forced to absorb, not too long.
Cook vegetables quickly and uses less water.
Do not wait too long after eating cooked food.
Store fruits and vegetables in an area protected from light and quite cold in the refrigerator.
Store milk in a cool place, protected from light (if the milk is stored in a glass, vitamin D can be damaged)

10 Pregnant Women Nutrition Facts

Fact # 1: The weight loss diet is not recommended during pregnancyAlthough pregnant women have heavier than normal standards, doctors recommend that women who are pregnant to lose weight. According to the guidelines of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 1990, obese women should continue to have a weight gain of 6 to 10 pounds during pregnancy. Weight loss diet can affect the mother and the fetus due to lack of essential nutrients during pregnancy. Physical activity is recommended to maintain your weight during pregnancy, compared with a reduction of nutrient intake.

Fact # 2: Adaptation of folic acid to prevent spina bifidaAn adequate intake of folic acid is important before and during the nine months of pregnancy. Folic acid deficiency can cause birth defects, such as incomplete closure of the neural tube station (spina bifida).

Fact # 3: Energy demand has increased only slightly during pregnancy.Daily energy requirement during pregnancy is only slightly above normal. On average, the energy of a woman should gain from the fourth month of pregnancy 250-300 calories per day. This is equivalent to half a bowl of rice or a bowl of porridge. The most important is not the quantity but the quality that guarantees the achievement of a balanced diet, rich in minerals and vitamins.

Fact # 4: Iodine is required by the fetus for thyroid hormone and brain development.Iodine is a component of thyroid hormones that play an important role in growth and cell division. The iodine deficiency in the early stages of physical development, i.e., in early embryonic life and can lead to a deficiency of thyroid hormone affecting the physical and severe mental retardation. Pregnant women should get about 0.23 milligrams of iodine intake per day during pregnancy.

Fact # 5: Magnesium reduces the risk of colic, miscarriage and premature delivery.Many doctors prescribe magnesium in pregnant women. Magnesium deficiency can cause stomach cramps and calves, spontaneous abortion and premature delivery. The recommended amount for pregnant women is 310 mg of magnesium per day.

Fact # 6: The dishes are not cooked or boiled dangerous for pregnant women.Eat fresh milk, undercooked meat or fish that is not cooked Japanese style cuisine is not recommended for pregnant women. These foods can be contaminated with pathogens such as Listeria and Toxoplasma gondii, which can lead to complications for mother and baby. Pregnant women should peel fruits and vegetables as a precaution. Frying, steaming, grilling and burning, in general, good enough to destroy harmful pathogens in food. Fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly before being eaten.

Fact # 7: Vitamin A should not be consumed in excess by pregnant women.In a very large number, vitamin A can cause liver toxicity disabled and the unborn child. Pregnant women should not take vitamin supplements in pill without a doctor's guidance and reduce consumption of the liver because the liver contains a lot of vitamin A. The maximum consumption of vitamin A in pregnant women is 10,000 IU.

Fact # 8: iron to prevent anemia in pregnant women.During pregnancy, it is important to ensure that you get a daily dose of iron is recommended because your child to have a backup of your iron. Insufficient intake of iron can cause anemia, which can harm you and your baby.
The daily intake of iron is recommended for adult women is 18 mg per day. During pregnancy, the number is increased to 27 mg per day due to an increase in the volume of maternal blood (approximately 50% compared to pre-pregnancy). In addition, children need iron for growth.

Fact # 9: A liter of milk to meet the needs of women's football in pregnancy.During pregnancy, calcium transfer from mother to newborn up to 270 mg. That pregnant women are not "inferior" football that endanger the health of bones, so you need to get about 1 gram of calcium intake per day. One liter of milk contains about 1.2 grams of calcium, enough to meet the daily needs of pregnant women.

FACT # 10: The caffeine in coffee can endanger pregnancyThe caffeine in coffee increases the risk of miscarriage or having a baby with low birth weight. Pregnant women should limit their intake of coffee no more than two cups a day, or replace them with a low content of caffeine in coffee.

Eating Carefully Before Pregnancy

Diet composition maintained a balanced diet before pregnancy, to support a healthy pregnancy and baby. In fact, a good nutritional status, and your child lets you deliver a healthy baby without complications.
The role of nutrition before conception. Good nutrition during childhood, adolescence and adulthood and during pregnancy, kelahirkan support healthy children without complications. It becomes very different if the mother has poor nutritional status. What are the consequences? Pregnant women may belong to a group of women who are very thin or are underweight. Children born to mothers with this disease before and during pregnancy, usually born with less weight and can also short.

There are two reasons why pregnant women should take care before pregnancy nutrition.

Firstly, good nutrition support optimal functioning reproductive organs. As, eggs good maturation, egg production of good quality, and, of course, the process of fertilization is perfect.

Second, good nutrition plays an important role in the preparation of energy reserves for the growth and development of the fetus. For women who are pregnant nutrition, adequate and balanced impact on overall health during fertilization (conception) and pregnancy.
Nutrition, in the present, not only depends on the economic situation. Very often, pregnant women who come from rich families were malnourished nutrients, exactly certain. The knowledge and awareness of pregnant women about the importance of eating carefully during preconception, be a cause. You can change the pattern of views and misconceptions of food and diet before it's too late.
6 months before pregnancy. You and your partner should change your diet.

Reject consumption of foods that contain a variety of nutrients, as well as adequate food and balanced. For example, a diet high in calories, but less protein, minerals and vitamins. As found in many fast foods (fast food), such as hamburgers, fried chicken, french fries, most of which contain carbohydrates and fats, only, but lack other nutrients.

Increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, dishes, and a carbohydrate source of rice, sweet potatoes, or cereals. Better yet, if you regularly consume milk, both sources of cow, goat and vegetables such as soybeans. All three are rich in calcium and protein.

In addition to a variety of foods and beverages, pregnant women should also look at the amount of consumption. Avoid eating too much of certain foods and drinks. Adapting to the needs of your body.

Pregnant women should reduce consumption of processed foods are needed, such as canned food, instant drinks and soft. Occasionally, it does not matter as much as possible, to prevent the body from exposure to preservatives, dyes or other substances are less favorable for the body to regenerate body cells, in particular eggs as well.

Increase consumption of foods and beverages that contain antioxidants that support the body easily remove toxins and substances that are not useful from the body. Cheap drinks or even prevent containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea and cola

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fix nutrition before pregnancy

A healthy body is balanced and nutritious food to get much more to gain influence in the performance of daily activities. Healthy eating habits and a good start to his own family, especially at home. For couples who are expecting the baby to try to get the nutrients consumed every day before pregnancy occurs solve. Better nutrition for pregnancy, the baby is born healthy with good nutrition. If parents had planned to feed from the beginning, it means they agree to provide a good environment for the growth and development of the fetus.

Consider weight lossConsider the ideal weight is not too heavy and not too light. Overweight or less is one of the things that make it difficult to produce a pregnancy. Are you planning to go on a diet because dietary deficiencies of vitamins and minerals needed to ensure that you can carry the baby. Consult your doctor if you become pregnant, but the consumption of certain foods to increase or reduce weight.

Consider the absorption of vitamins, minerals or herbalThe consumption of vitamins, minerals or herbs without consulting a doctor, an overdose or adverse effects on the body. Vitamin A can if consumed too much cause birth defects in babies. Any form of supplements should be at least three months before pregnancy to remember. If necessary, the doctor intended for pregnant women vitamins as necessary. So pay close attention to the consumption of vitamins themselves.

Consumption of folic acidVitamin A type which is very useful for the health of pregnancy folic acid. 3-4 Mamas For months before pregnancy to 0.4 mg of folic acid began Acidum Folicum or fetal growth may remain immune to diseases that can cause disorders of the spine and brain disease, known as neural tube defects consume defects. Each year an estimated 4,000 cases of infants affected by birth defects, such as spina bifida often. The disease was estimated during the first weeks of pregnancy. Based on research, folikum Acidum or folic acid in early pregnancy can prevent this disease. There are some foods with folic acid, which is a type of grain that contains flour, corn, asparagus, avocados, bananas, beans, cauliflower, citrus fruits and juices, egg yolk, contains much higher nutritional value and crackers, fruit, green , lentils, liver, peas, bananas Kepok, pocai, strawberry, tuna, yogurt and other.

Fortunately, healthy eating, prospective mom!

Planning a Healthy Pregnancy

When is the right time to have children? This question may sometimes have appeared in the minds of potential candidates for mom and dad. Actually, the answer is simple: no time is really right to have children, because the dynamics of work and family life will definitely bring something different to require the attention of potential Mama. But for the rest, there is no bad time to have a child. What is important is highly desirable planned pregnancy, a healthy pregnancy and boring warranty.At the time of planning a pregnancy, you should pay attention to the state of nutrition, lifestyle and health of the mother. Here are some tips you can do:1. Keep your diet Mama candidates. Eat healthy foods and beverages, especially food with folic acid. The consumption of folic acid vitamin supplements can also candidates Mama. The increased consumption of folic acid at least one month before pregnancy, the risk of fetal abnormalities in the spine.

2. Nutrition during pregnancy is still allowed. Since the chance of a healthy pregnancy weight increases closer to the ideal candidate Mama. But you should avoid diets that avoid certain food groups, such as food, without carbohydrates. The consumption of carbohydrates are "good", such as wholemeal bread and brown rice. Proteins such as fish and chicken, but also fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese are strongly recommended.

Avoid smoking and alcohol. If candidates mommy smoking to quit as soon as possible, especially if the candidate is pregnant mom. Effects of smoking during pregnancy is very varied, chromosomal damage cells of infertility. This effect may also occur in passive smokers. Alcohol is also associated with certain birth defects.

4. Applicants must also be careful father. Pope experts recommend daily multivitamins with zinc and selenium for at least three months before conception for the development of healthy sperm.Do not forget, for the lifestyle changes that the candidate mom and dad candidates are preparing for the child's presence. Applicants must also be willing to Pope Pope are willing to share responsibility with his mother. Congratulations to a healthy pregnancy planning.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Avoid When You're Plan Your Pregnancy

Planning a pregnancy? Well, apparently there are some things that can ruin your chances of getting pregnant. For example, for the plan to adapt to pregnancy, first temporarily to prevent the following things: 

1. Artificial lubricantsThe study shows that artificial lubricants can kill sperm. If you really need an artificial lubricant for sex, artificial lubricant to replace the hot water does not interfere with sperm

2. According to different types of drugsIf you are planning to become pregnant, the simple answer to unnecessary treatment should be discontinued. But if you are taking medications that are needed, ask your doctor or your gynecologist, as generally safe for pregnant women, many drugs.

3. Caffeine in large quantitiesSeveral studies have shown a relationship between the consumption of caffeine with the ability to develop a female. One study showed that women who consumed 300 mg of caffeine per day, a 27% lower risk of pregnancy than women who do not consume caffeine. But there are also studies showing that caffeine consumption was not associated with fertility.Actually, if you are planning a pregnancy, reduce the intake of caffeine per day to less than 300 mg per day. If you are pregnant, caffeine can also increase the risk of miscarriage, so you should immediately consume less caffeine than before you were pregnant. For symptoms such as dizziness or reduce fatigue, slowly reduce your intake of caffeine. Keep in mind that not only the caffeine in coffee, but also tea, soda, chocolate and others.

4. The content of mercury in fishFish is the main source of Omega 3 (EPA and DHA in particular), the. For the development of the baby's brain and eyes of the fish also contains nutrients such as protein, vitamin D and other essential nutrients for a healthy pregnancy and child development. Unfortunately, some types of fish contain mercury, which is harmful to the brains of infants and the development of the nervous system.The use of mercury in fish prevent, reduce the consumption of fish and shellfish to 12 ounces a week at most. Tuna in a can also be avoided. For the consumption of omega-3 to increase, it is possible to increase the consumption of eggs, milk, soy beverages, juice, yogurt, breads, cereals, and margarine. Fish oil can also choose 

5. BarsThe baby is growing very rapidly in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before you realize that you are pregnant. Several studies have shown that excessive amounts of alcohol can also be a risk of failure. So if you are planning to become pregnant, stop the consumption of alcoholic beverages. 

6. CigaretteSmoking reduces the chances of pregnancy, even if you are active smokers or passive smokers. If the smoke pope, pope, asking the habit of smoking cessation, the quality and quantity of semen decreases. 

7. Household ToxinsIt can ruin liquid chemicals and household products also other pregnancy plans LHO .. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States analyzed the chemical PFOA in Teflon cookware, stain removers, packaged foods and cosmetics contain endocrine disruptors. There are also bisphenol A in containers, bottles and plastic containers and phthalates content in shampoos, deodorants, perfumes, hair sprays, and e-mail. If you replace the cleaning and maintenance of the tank in natural food stores, purchase, use a Akca, and cook with pots and pans without teflon. 

8. VoltageStress interferes with the planning pregnancy, since stress can have an effect on the menstrual cycle, as a result of delayed ovulation. In order to avoid too great a burden to overcome, is accustomed healthy communication with your partner and problems only supplied. Yoga or meditation can also help balance your emotions and cope with stress in a healthy way. 

9. Hot TubsIncreased body temperature is too high during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage. So if you are planning to become pregnant, avoid the first immersion in a hot bath for a while. ' "Because the fear is that if you do not know who is pregnant, and you're soaking in a hot bath. This may increase the risk of miscarriage. 

10. Pants that are too tightPants or shorts that are too tight will not break your egg. However, this is not conducive to the health of the uterus. Clothing that is too tight even heat and moisture, reducing the risk of fungal infection. Cotton underwear is better than synthetic underwear.

Papa Pregnancy Planning

Before planning a pregnancy, ranging from food and drinks to avoid until the Council to exercise regularly to maintain fitness. But not only mom to switch to a healthier lifestyle to accelerate the process of conception, you know. Pope also need to do the following to ensure a healthy pregnancy mom.Before When Dad is undergoing treatment and / or taking medication regularly, consult a doctor dad. Because there are different types of medications that affect the quality and quantity of sperm Pope. Normally, the effect is lost when Pope stopped taking the drug. So it is best to consult a doctor Pope, Pope asking other types of drugs that are safer, if possible.According Find out if there is someone in the family suffers from hereditary diseases Pope If there is, contact your gynecologist to determine the risks of mom dad and mom may encounter and analysis to be done to reduce the risk that a child born in an unhealthy

3. Not only mom that they need to change diet to foods and beverages that are healthier. The quality and quantity of sperm dad will be better when the consumption of healthy food and drink Pope. Some foods that increase fertility Pope is folic acid (orange juice, green leafy vegetables, cereals), zinc (meat, eggs) and vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi, broccoli, asparagus)

4. The quality and quantity of sperm is also influenced by smoke (also in the form of chewing tobacco), alcohol and drugs. Pope, who consume alcoholic beverages one month before conception will have a child with a body weight less than the average weight of other children. So dad had to leave three things when Mom and Dad are planning a pregnancy. Also, when dad while mom still smoking during pregnancy, mother and child will be the same risk smoke even more active smokers.

5. Try to keep Pope exposure to chemicals such as organic solvents and pesticides, at least 3 months before conception. When the work is Pope Pope often exposed to these materials, find out what Papa can minimize contact with these materials, as well as the material makes the design process becomes more difficult, also changed the composition of the sperm, so the child at risk of defects and premature birth.

6. Pregnancy planning is not limited to preparing physically and spiritually father and mother, but also the preparation of the financial situation. Calculate the amount of money that mom and dad can spend each month for health insurance and education of the child until adulthood. If necessary, consult a financial advisor.

7. Boxers or briefs? Although research has not proven to be valid, there are some experts who claim that the use of panties interfere with sperm production. So if Dad wanted to be absolutely sure, replace Pope boxer briefs are more comfortable. The regulation of these clothes can improve pregnancy plans Mum and Dad

8. To while away from hot tubs, sauna, and even a shower with hot water, at least 3 months before a planned pregnancy. The heat kills sperm, and because the sperm is three months to regenerate when daddy long soak in the hot tub while in the month of January, the new Pope completely healthy sperm in the month of April. 

9. Pope, who loves cycling should be cautious. Research shows that the habit of cycling more than 2 hours a day, 6 days a week can lead to reduced sperm count and reduced sperm count and endurance. The use of motorcycle pants that are too tight also have the same effect with a soak in the hot tub. Bike saddle that is too rigid can also reduce the sperm count. So when Pope wants to ride a bike, limit the duration of cycling, wear pants that are too tight, and choose the most padded saddle. 

10. Planning a pregnancy can be very stressful, especially if the process continues for several months. Stay calm and relaxed. Try to exercise to relieve stress. Although there is no research that says that exercise can increase the chances of conception, but at least the process of pregnancy, the father of planning could be more fun.